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Fail Faster and Fail Forward

Failure. Such an ugly word. It is Not (we are sternly admonished) An Option. Put that way, failure sounds like a life sentence: fail once, and ye shall be a failure forev...
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Find Your Multishore Soulmate

Swipe right on a multishore partner that aligns with your company values & culture. Outsourcing is a no-brainer when your company is looking to add resources, boost speci...
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Technology for Humans

Technology for Humans

Avoid the droid. Despite technology that is light years ahead of what we have on Earth today, Star Wars is a story that occurs in the past (a long, lo...
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Technology for Humans

Technology for Humans

Avoid the droid. Despite technology that is light years ahead of what we have on Earth today, Star Wars is a story that occurs in the past (a long, long time ago).