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Death Stars, Design, and the Force

Death Stars, Design, and the Force

George Lucas claims that his inspiration to write Star Wars was that he wanted to create a film that taught kids the difference between right and wrong. As the classic western was fading from cinema, he felt that children were losing stories that provided a...
The Other Side of Midnight

The Other Side of Midnight

Despite its galactic success (pun intended), Star Wars was not expected to be a big hit. In fact, many Hollywood execs thought it would be a flop. The common lore is that it opened in 1977 in only 32 theaters. This is only sort of true. The movie opened on a...
Technology for Humans

Technology for Humans

Despite technology that is light years ahead of what we have on Earth today, Star Wars is a story that occurs in the past (a long, long time ago).  As such, it seems odd to think of Star Wars as not a futuristic movie, but actually a history lesson. Nevertheless,...
May the Fourth Be With You

May the Fourth Be With You

Happy Star Wars Day!! May 4, Star Wars Day, – has become an official holiday. Sure, it may not be recognized on “official” calendars, but by the number of viewing parties, costume contests, and light saber battles in neighborhood parks, I would argue that it is more...