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Feb 13, 2023
How does a company wrap its head around this infinite, teeming mass of humanity, to get to the brass...
Jan 13, 2023
It’s January. A brand new year beckons, with fresh opportunities awaiting analysis and action by A...
Jan 12, 2023
What is your business doing to survive and thrive in the Expectation Economy?
Nov 10, 2022
Knowing the difference is a crucial first step on your digital transformation journey In EX...
and there's more...
May 19, 2023
In 2001, the transfer of an estate (inheritance) upon death was taxed at 55%, and $675,000 could be exempt. In 2017 the rate had changed to 40% and $5...
May 10, 2023
HCD is a design approach that puts the customer at the center of the design process, ensuring that the products and services created actually meet the...
Apr 26, 2023
Long before academics developed the theory of Customer Experience, the idea of gaining and retaining customers by pleasing them was well-established, ...